• The First Ladies at the African First Ladies Summit in Tanzania - July 2-3, 2013

Who We Are

OAFLA’s Vision

  • An Africa free from HIV and AIDS, maternal and child mortality where women and children are empowered to enjoy equal opportunities.

OAFLA’s Mission

  • First Ladies of Africa advocate for effective policies and strategies towards the elimination of HIV and AIDS, reduction of maternal and child mortality and the empowerment of women and children, through strategic partnerships in the spirit of solidarity.

OAFLA’s Objectives

  • Contribute to the national effort in preventing, managing and eliminating HIV and AIDS
  • Contribute to the national effort in reducing maternal and infant mortality
  • Contribute to the national effort in controlling cervical cancer
  • Enhance organizational learning and stakeholders commitment, and organizational visibility
  • Ensure program and financial sustainability

OAFLA UG Chapter Strategy

We provide political leadership platform for stakeholders engagement.

Activities of Regional EMTCT Campaign

Regional Youth Summit in Karamoja region

Regional Youth Summit in Karamoja region

On March 15th, 2024, OAFLAD Uganda (Organisation of African First Ladies for Development) under Offi[read more...]
Regional Youth Summit in Northern region

Regional Youth Summit in Northern region

On July 14th 2023, the First Lady and Hon. Minister of Education and Sports presided over a Regional[read more...]
Regional Youth Summit in South Western region

Regional Youth Summit in South Western region

On April 14th 2023, the First Lady and Hon. Minister of Education and Sports presided over the regio[read more...]
Regional Youth Summit in Busoga Region

Regional Youth Summit in Busoga Region

On September 29th 2022, the First Lady and Hon. Minister of Education and Sports presided over the r[read more...]
OAFLA roundtable in New York.

OAFLA roundtable in New York.

The First Lady and Minister for Karamoja Affairs Mrs. Janet Museveni has lauded her counterparts the[read more...]

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